
This letter is to acknowledge, recognize and commend the services provided by Cole while teaching me over the last few months. My goal was to get back into tennis, after not having played for over 20 years, and Cole has been of tremendous help.

He clearly understood my intent, helped me to gradually catch up, physically and technically, adjusted the teaching depending upon my needs, and was also very flexible in terms of availability (which is of high value given my work schedule).

Getting back into a sport one has not practiced for a long time is not easy and Cole was extremely helpful and supportive to bring me back into the game.

Best regards,

Rodrigo L, Sacramento California

I have been a member of the club for over ten years and have had the opportunity to take several lessons and clinics with your various resident professional tennis instructors. My tennis experience goes back from high school to my present senior tennis status. Over the years I have worked on improving my game through one on one professional lessons where my budget would allow.

When I’ve gone to the pros for help, my goal is the get the instructor to give me some useable feedback to how I can improve my game. One usually gets a least one thing from the session to takeaway and use. I’ve been collecting and using them over the years.

I recently engaged Cole Shelton for help with my serve, which had lost its consistency over the last USTA season. Cole was not recommended by anyone but I decided to take a chance that he could help me out. I was extremely satisfied with the session. There was email correspondence before hand to establish goals and to get acquainted. The session started on time and his demeanor friendly and non-condescending. What most impressed me about Cole’s teaching style was the use of the latest technology to impart and emphasize the points of the lesson. An Apple ipad was utilized to capture my form and make a comparison to correct technique. The ability to actually see what I was doing right and wrong during the lesson was invaluable. The video capture of my serve and a series of form points were emailed to me for reference. This is a tennis instructor that has given me a welcome perspective on how to improve my game.

I would have no reservations in recommending Cole to anyone who needs help with their tennis game. His approach to instruction was refreshing and innovative.


Paul T, Folsom California

Cole Shelton has brought a fresh, enthusiastic approach to the clinics. I have participated both in his Saturday morning clinic and two of the classes he offered on a particular stroke. I appreciated the fact that he came prepared to each type of “lesson,” often bringing written material on the stroke/strategy to be covered that day and always having a plan for the day. He initiated drills that I had never participated in before and which really helped me retain the concept he was explaining. Because he explains well and has a very positive approach in dealing with people, I signed my daughter, Nikki, up for a private lesson with Cole over the last Christmas break; unfortunately, it rained the entire time she was home. However, when she comes home in July, I plan on signing her up again. I am sure she will come away from that lesson(s) with a great attitude about tennis as well as improved strokes. Often while I am waiting for a court or am playing on the court next to a junior clinic he is giving, I watch how Cole interacts with the young players. He is patient and provides activities that keep them engaged. I would certainly not hesitate to recommend him to anyone—child, teenager, or adult—looking to learn tennis or enhance their game.

Also, I would like to mention that Cole went out of his way to ensure that my son, Michael, and I could play mixed doubles 8.0 together. After the numerous calls/e-mails to Norcal USTA that we made with no results in getting Michael’s rating changed, Cole helped us out and made the call that led to the rating being changed and our being able to play matches together. Before he became involved, we lost almost 2 months.

Cole is an invaluable asset.

Carol F, Natomas Californa

This is a letter of enthusiastic support for Cole Shelton, your most recent addition to the tennis pro staff here at the club.

It is my intent to encourage the club owners to do everything necessary to keep this gem of a person and professional on your tennis staff.

He is an asset to the club is several ways:

Teaching skill:

In the past I have taken several lessons from Cole either private, semi-private and in a clinic format. I certainly feel he has improved my game with each lesson.

At the end of each of his emails he has a saying:

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it”. He demonstrated that he believes and lives by this saying when once trying to teach me a kick serve. Although I do not necessarily have the appropriate physical abilities, he was willing to work on it, stressing that if you have the dream and boldness to do it that is the magic in it. He took extra steps, video taping my serve with his phone, analyzed it and gave me some tips and printing me out articles about the technique of the kick serve. He knew that I seriously wanted to work on it and shared in the effort to learn the stroke. I feel when he takes those extra steps he is in tune with his students passions for the game. This basically is one of the most important attributes of a club pro: To share in the passion of the sport.

Personal Skill:

With Cole’s cute and engaging personality, he makes it fun to be at the club. Whether or not he is giving you a lesson or not he always has a smile, a friendly hello or an engaging comment. Basically he is fun to be around, easy to talk to and to kid around with. You can tell he is well liked, when the ladies at the club are sending emails around trying to get him furniture when he first moved to the area. In point of fact, there is no other pro at the club whom I feel most comfortable with and like the most.

Business Skill:

I see Cole trying to build his and your business. He is out there offering new clinic types and developing new programs and clinics beyond what has been traditionally offered. It maybe that some ideas don’t work, then if they don’t, he moves on to try others. He just does not seem to wait around for clients to find him… he is out there cultivating them. Now if I were a employer, that is the number one attribute I would seek in an employee. Be careful that Cole does not find other opportunities elsewhere to build a following.

In summary, thank you find and picking Cole as a pro at this club. He is a gem and going places. I would hope that you will make he and keep him happy for he is an asset.

Sincerely Yours,

Margaret S, Folsom California

In the past few months I have taken several tennis lessons with Cole, private, semi private, and clinics. I always look forward to these as Cole brings his enthusiasm and energy to make the lessons highly enjoyable.

One of Cole’s characteristics that I believe is what makes these lessons so special is that he is able to pinpoint what is missing in an aspect or technique in one’s game, and finds the change that best adapts to one’s habits and peculiarities. He doesn’t try to change your game, but rather introduce something new that melds comfortably into your own game, improving it. He is able to successfully do this by helping one break down and visualize the sequence of events that needs to happen in the improved technique; he will continue to explain things from different angles to make sure you grasp the full concept. To aid in this, he has incorporated a visual methodology (iPad video) that is a great tool to enable one to fine tune the learning.

Another aspect that Cole brings that enhances my engagement into his lessons is that he follows up during the week with e-mails with instructional content. He also continuously updates on his schedule. This brings a more continuous interaction than just a weekly lesson, and makes it a more integrated experience overall.

In summary, my appreciation for having found Cole and having added him to the fine tennis teaching team.

Best regards,

Peter D, Sacramento California

I'm writing this letter to commend your team member, Cole Shelton.

I’ve been member of the club for over a year now, but started taking tennis lessons in the club when Cole joined as one of the Pros.

To quote one of my friends and Club member:’ Cole is the best thing that could have happened to the Club.’ He is taking a lot of personal interest and putting great amount of effort in teaching. He takes time to review student’s playing approach and technique. He suggests the stroke or technique corrections or discusses the strategy, than follows with a number of drills. What I highly respect about Cole is that he thinks about the problem and comes up with a solution. So far in when helping me, he was always right on!

While teaching Cole is full of energy, enthusiastic and supportive and fun to work with and his lessons are always something I look forward to.

Best regards,

Ranka D, Fair Oaks California

Dear Cole,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your excellent semi-private and private tennis lessons. Your instruction not only covers tennis skills but also the (much overlooked) mental side of the game and because of that you have helped me to become a better player. You also take into consideration my tender age of 65 playing level and I appreciate that!

On another note, whenever my son is ready to hit the tennis courts, I am going to have you work with him on his serve, which is his major weakness.

I must say that you are one of the major reasons why I continue to be a member of this Club and I look forward to having many more lessons with you.

Regarding future tennis clinics, I would like the Pro Shop to offer mixed, women’s, and men’s doubles match play strategy clinics.


Chris T, Natomas California

I am writing this letter to personally express my utmost appreciation for the tennis instruction Cole Shelton has provided to me over the course of my past season as a 3.5 ranked tennis player. As a member I have been exposed to various personnel on your fitness, aquatics and tennis staff. I have been an active swimmer with the Master’s program competing in ocean swims and the World Championships at Stanford a couple years ago. I have trained in the fitness room under the guidance of many yoga and cardio instructors. Three years ago I took up tennis under the instruction of a couple of the tennis instructors on staff. I have never found a better fit for instructing me in any sport than tennis instructor Cole Shelton. He brings focus, heart, fun and most of all, a competitive technique to my game.

I have learned so much from Cole in the short time he has been at the club. I never knew how to put the elusive topspin on a ball until he patiently worked with me on it for one entire lesson. His verbal cues and teaching technique were spot on for me. As a physical therapist myself, I understand how challenging it can be to get someone’s body to follow their “brain”. Cole has a special gift of praising the right movements until the muscle memory sets in. His positive coaching method is so reassuring that one cannot help but improve!

As a long time competitive athlete, I totally appreciate how Cole checks in with me now and then to see how my matches are going. He genuinely cheers on my success! He is always generous in discussing strategy and ways to “get ‘em next time” when a match doesn’t go my way. It makes me feel like I have a real coach, not just an instructor.

Cole has been assisting me as I transition from doubles to singles. We have already discussed a “plan” to put into action to include cardio training specific to tennis and more strategy work. I am looking forward to challenging my game to include more singles competition and believe Cole is just the right instructor to help me achieve my goals. I just wanted to let you know that I am so happy that Cole is a part of the tennis instruction staff and that I consider him an asset to my enjoyment of the game of tennis.

It is rare for me to write this kind of letter of acknowledgement for a staff member but it is important to me that Cole is recognized for his commitment and enthusiasm for his work. I appreciate that you took the time to read my remarks. Please do not hesitate to follow up with me if you have any questions or comments in regards to this letter.

Here’s to a great summer of tennis!

Marybeth M, Orangevale California

This is a letter of appreciation for Cole Shelton for his excellent teaching skills as a tennis instructor. I have referred my husband and friends to take tennis lessons from Cole. My husband and friends are very impressed with Cole’s commitment to excellence and his great attitude.

Cole is very professional and knows exactly how to communicate tennis instructions to his students. He immediately spotted several issues with my tennis strokes and has helped me improve my game.

In closing, I believe Cole Shelton truly deserves to be congratulated and rewarded for his excellent tennis instruction and his positive impact on his students.


Irene Y, El Dorado Hills California

I am writing to let you know that we have had a great experience with Cole Shelton. My son has learned a tremendous amount and really enjoyed his time in his tennis lessons and the tennis camp. Cole has a great style in working with kids, and my son, who has had motor skill issues, has improved his tennis skills fairly dramatically in just a few lessons with him. Cole has also been very responsive and flexible in trying to find times for lessons that work with our schedule.

While we are not members, we had been members at AVAC for over a decade, but they do not have a good swim program for older kids like my son who is 12 years old. So we signed up my son for both tennis and swim lessons with your club for the summer, and our plan was to see how it went with these lessons and how we liked the club before deciding if we wanted to become long-term members. Even if we ultimately decide not to become long-term members, we will absolutely continue to come to your club for lessons with Cole.


Teri M, Rancho Cordova California

It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of commendation for Cole Shelton. I had the opportunity to take a lesson with him. In that lesson he had the patience and the knowledge to teach me how to do a top spin lob.

In my opinion he was most professional and understanding. I was impressed by his service and dedication. My grandson has also taken lessons and it appears Cole even made a positive impact on his attitude and skill in the game.

I believe that Cole Shelton is an asset and now that I am retiring I hope I will have the time and money to afford more lessons with Cole.


Myrna B, Citrus Heights California

My family and I would like to extend our gratitude to you and your staff for providing an outstanding arena for learning tennis. The facilities are top-notch and all of your tennis pros provide excellent coaching for all levels of play.

I would especially like to extend my thanks to Mr. Cole Shelton. I have taken private lessons and group clinics with him throughout the last year and have seen marked improvements in all facets of my game. His love and knowledge of the game and ability to transfer it to his students has resulted in many of us in his clinics having excellent USTA league seasons. His energy is amazing and he pushes all of us to be better players. At the same time, he listens to our input as to what we would like to work on in the clinics and is able to adjust his teaching style and agenda to our needs.

My son Matthew is 5 years old and loves Cole. He is in the Quick Start Red classes and looks forward to seeing Cole whether we are playing tennis or just hanging out at the pool. His teaching style with the kids is great. His high energy and humor keeps the kids engaged for the entire lesson. Cole’s dedication to getting the Quick Start program up and running should be commended; I believe it is probably the best program at our club and a valuable tool for teaching the fundamentals of tennis to our children. I referred some of Matthew’s friends to the program during the introductory clinics and they all enjoyed it. I have also talked about Cole to our neighbors that recently joined the club on a fitness membership and they will soon be upgrading to a full, tennis membership based primarily on all the good things I have had to say about Cole, the Quick Start program, and the tennis program in general.

Thank you again for the continued improvements that you are making to our club and the first-class tennis staff you employ.


Scott R and Family, Sacramento California

My name is Wayne E and I would like to provide a commendation for Cole Shelton on his excellent contributions to the tennis program.

I first met Cole at a tennis event some months back. I was impressed with his knowledge and skills as well as his passion for teaching tennis. Several months ago I joined Cole’s Men’s Tennis clinic, which finished about two months ago. I had been having problems with my serve being inconsistent and persistent shoulder issues. Cole was able to teach and coach me to learn the proper mechanics. In the past two months my serve has improved dramatically, with much more power and consistency. And the added bonus that with proper mechanics, is less tiring and stressful on my shoulder.

Cole was able to make our clinic challenging and interesting. He is able to see what areas folks need to work, gaining buy in from the attendees, and then devise training and drills to develop skills by building from the foundational skill requirements.

In closing I would like to add that I believe Cole is a fine addition to the club and an asset to the tennis program.


Wayne E Ph. D, Antelope California

We would like to take a moment to bring to your attention the great job Cole Shelton is doing for the Junior program, as well as instructing adults in their tennis abilities.

We have been very impressed with Cole’s take charge attitude and his effort to get programs ramped up and people involved. His communication skills are excellent and he has always been easy to reach, via phone or email, despite being on the court so much. I also like his use of an online calendar so that you can see when he is available for lessons.

Our daughter Shea is 16 and this past spring has been taking private lessons from Cole, as well as joining in the summer weekly junior clinics and match play when she has been available. For his short time here, Cole has been a good mentor for Shea to push herself in a friendly environment. When Shea was not available, my wife Barb would take her spot and he was very quick to see what tennis skills she wanted and needed to work on.

All in all, Cole has been a great addition to our teaching staff and I look forward to him taking on more responsibility to grow the Junior Tennis Program as well as get more involved in the Adult leagues, an idea to improve on. Team play could be to either hold team clinics and/or have an “adopt-a-team” vision where teams would pay for the time of the pro being at home matches, and giving advice on how the game went. The women seem very game for that idea and would welcome the invite to do so.

Our family has been a member for 12 years enjoying swim team, the gym, and have been very involved in the Club’s tennis program. Between the three of us, we have enjoyed clinics, league play, and tennis socials from many of our Club Pro’s. We think very highly of the entire staff and are grateful to have been able to benefit from Cole’s expertise and enthusiasm.


Don and Barb S, Granite Bay California

I'm writing you this letter to "THANK YOU" for the greatest clinics that I took with you.I looked freward to your clinics because they were so interesting, fun, and we worked all kind of drills to improve strokes, serve, volleys, endurance,etc After each clinic I felt that I'm a better player mentally, physically, and thechnique wise. Being a professionally athlete [volleyball] I was amazed how in one lesson you were able to pick up exactly where I needed the improvement. In my experience as a paid athlete only an excellent and experienced coach is capable to do that and you are one of them. Your coaching ,teaching skills, your positive attitude, your high energy makes anyone who takes your clinics a better player You are an asset to our tennis club. Because of you and my hard work I had an incredible season. I played 27 matches where only 4 were doubles the rest singles and I won 20 .With this record I will be moving up in rating .THANK YOU so, so soooooo much!!!!! Looking foreword to the next clinic season.


Mariana L, Roseville California

Cole Shelton is a valuable addition to the tennis Pro staff. His enthusiasm and love of tennis is infectious. He’s full of energy and always striving to learn and improve his teaching techniques, which were excellent to begin with.

I’ve been in a clinic he teaches for several months and during that time he’s helped greatly improve my serve, my footwork, my volleys, and my outlook on the game. Cole gave me a short serve lesson that made a big difference in my speed and accuracy. He knew just what to tell me to improve my toss and footwork during the serve.

Cole listens to his students and adjusts his drills and lessons to fit our needs. He keeps us active and engaged throughout the clinic while working on a specific skill that is clearly delineated to us at the beginning of the lesson. Cole researches drills to use to hone our mastery of a particular skill and then tweaks the drill until it works for us.

Cole is also very well organized. He never misses a lesson or clinic and makes himself available for questions and private lessons. He’s always open and attentive to discussions about tennis. Cole is very prompt to return e-mails and is very communicative via e-mail and phone.

I’ve recommended Cole’s lessons and clinics to my tennis colleagues at the club and will continue to do so.

I’m looking forward to the resumption of our clinic at the end of summer!


JoAnne S, Folsom California

I am writing this letter to commend Cole Shelton for the excellent service he is providing to the tennis program at your club.

What to me seems like a daunting task to establish oneself among a well established team of pros, Cole hit the ground running from day one and has never stopped. He has worked hard to gain the trust of your tennis members and as a result has found great success running various clinics and private lessons.

An important value Cole has brought to our Family’s tennis experience at the club is his dedication to the QuickStart tennis program for children 10 years of age and younger. Prior to Cole’s employment I was looking for a QuickStart tennis program for my 8-year-old son. Thankfully I didn’t need to look outside the club as Cole has taken the reins and introduced this program to our youngest members. Through this program my son has had great success learning the proper rules of the game in a low pressure environment in organized matches with kids from your club and local area clubs. Cole’s enthusiasm for this program is much appreciated by the parents as well as the kids. His love of teaching is quite clear and I look forward to this program growing in future years.

I would truly recommend Cole to anyone who is looking for tennis lessons. Always friendly and upbeat, the club is fortunate to have such a dedicated and passionate employee as part of its tennis program.


Anne G, Sacramento California

I have been taking private lessons with Cole for the past month. His teaching is straight forward with no frills. The content of the lessons includes application of the skills in the real world for match play. I appreciate his energy, pragmatism, sense of reality, and depth of knowledge. He understands and communicates the essentials needed for one to progress in tennis. He is an asset to the club. I highly recommend his lessons to anyone wanting to truly advance in tennis.

Bill E, Granite Bay California

Hi Cole,

I have not been able to play tennis this month so just wanted to thank you for all of your support this season. Between Mon night clinics and privates - you really helped me build my confidence and improve my game. I am only sorry I went back to work full-time so have not been able to continue! Your enthusiasm and positive attitude really helped my game - I know when I brought a friend to a clinic - she was impressed also! It would be easier if all the clinics were 'drop-in' like my old club - then I think you would get more people involved who can't commit but want to take clinics. I also thank you for filming my serve - everyone learns differently and you understand this. I hope the club values you and would love to send a letter to your boss!

Thank you!

Stacy H, Roseville California

I'm a new member at our club, I think Cole and I came along about the same time, but it wasn't long before my fellow Team members started to talk about this new Teaching Pro that had formed a teaching night for us 3.0 men. Well I had to find out what this was all about, so I on a week to week bases started to get in on Coles teaching clinics.

Cole, right from the beginning , had a well laid out program designed for us to improve and cover all aspects of the game, he even offered one special day free of charge to us as an opportunity to sample what his program entailed. What I enjoy most about Cole is his energy and ability to motivate his students, he is inspirational in his techeque, and at the same time understands his students physical limitations. We all enjoy his enthusiasm for the game, and sincere dedication to the sport that he loves and enjoys teaching. He's a born people person, being fairly new to the club and not knowing that many people yet, whenever I come across this young man he always goes out of his way to stop and says Hi, that makes me fell truly welcomed. Two weeks ago at one of our home matches all I could hear from the viewers stands as we played was Cole's cheering as a spectator giving encouregment and applauding our good shots. Needles to say this young man has impressed me, not only as a fine teacher, but willing to go that extra mile in making himself a personal friend that truly enjoys our friendship.

Just last Saturday after a nice doubles practice match with fellow Team members we all sit down and relaxed and cooled off a bit, emediatley what catches our attention was Cole just below us in a lesson with two very young boys. We were captivated by how Cole worked with these young boys, his patients and interaction with the boys promptly drew out comments like: "You can tell he truly loves teaching and working with and interacting with the young kids," "I'm really surprised how he gets those kids so focus and involved in their lession," "You can tell he has a good repor with kids." Needless to say I have enjoyed this young mans spirit and eagerness to help in whatever needs we have, he always E-mails us as to what is available each week in his clinics. My only regret is that I personally have not made use of his clinics to the fullest extent. This winter I plan to get more involved after our playoff are completed.

Jack C, Natomas California

Coles teaching strengths:

Positive to the point of getting excited about working on areas of improvement.

Three lessons to date with me which all left me with very specific framework for practicing on skills.

I'm looking for a mix of strategy and technique tuneup and I think we have achieved that so far.

Couple lessons with my 16yr old Jr. and I can see that you really relate to this age group. You could really be a great influence on the High school program if you get a chance to engage more.

I like that your schedule is open book and easy to approach.

Talk to you soon,

Jim W, Fair Oaks California

It is with a great deal of pleasure that I write in support of Mr. Cole Shelton. I have taken several tennis lessons from Cole in recent months. As one who has observed closely his teaching style, I can attest quite accurately to his teaching knowledge, and his effective social skills.

I have found Cole to be knowledgeable in tennis education. He is a creative individual who applies technology to the design and teaching tennis lessons. He uses iPad to video type and analyzes his students’ strokes. His design and his innovation are indicative of his high level of ability in the field.

Personally, I find Cole to be serious in his intent though with a sense of humor. He is an amiable, conscientious person. He goes beyond the line of duty to help his students. He devotes a great deal of his time to his career and technology as a medium to deliver instruction.

It is a pleasure to recommend Mr. Cole Shelton. Please do not hesitate to call me if I can be of any further assistance.


Dr. Bijan G, Natomas California

My first interaction with Cole was via email. I had been injured from tennis for several months and needed to get back into a clinic environment. My emails were not only responded to immediately but were evident of his genuine desire to please his clients.

He requested my strengths and weakness on the court as well as my expectations and goal in his clinics. I was impressed early on with Cole’s ‘sunny’, positive, professional, attitude and looked forward to meeting our new pro.

I had Tuesday morning clinics with him throughout the winter/spring. Each and every clinic was helpful, informative, fun, positive, and a good work out. I can see that Cole pushes each individual and the clinic collectively because his passion, drive, and professionalism are so great.

Recently, my partner and I participated a Doubles Memorial Tournament. We had a ½ hour private with Cole to get us warmed up. He said we could email or call him during that weekend if we had any questions during the three day tourney. This gesture is one of many ways his true, dedicated, character comes through.

I have not written many letters of commendation but it has occurred to me how easy it is to write about Cole! He is an asset to our club and proud to have him part of our family. Way to go Cole!!


Shirine F, Carmichael California

I just wanted to let you know that I took some private lessons and joined a clinic with Cole over the past winter, and it helped my game a lot. Cole came to the clinics prepared with good drills and listened to what we wanted to work on. Cole’s high energy and enthusiasm made the privates and the clinics fun, too.

My membership and experience is better because of my time with Cole!


Eric R, Folsom California

Coach Cole has inspired our 5 year old son to not only learn tennis, but have fun doing it. We've had coach Cole for both group and private lessons, and have watched Eric's skills improve dramatically. Cole's approach both instructs and supports. lessons are broken down in bite size chunks that keeps everything moving along, sometimes invisible to the eye (playing animal poses to work on balance, for example). We enjoy having coach Cole teach our son, and believe him to be a great asset.

Scott C and Amy T (Eric and Taylor's parents), Sacramento California.